Something's wrong with my blog lah. so i deleted my previous one and start a new one :D
Anyway,. im BACK! hahaha. long time no blog d coz i malas. uhm,, i know no one's gonna read it but its okay to me. i jus wanna express my feelings here like in diary. these days im sooo lazy to write in my diary d lah. getting lazy-er. hehe.
Today, 7th of Oct 06. i felt so .. something. undescribable. touch? lol. i was at home for the whole day till evening, i went to jj wif my parents. they're goin to China tomorrow, and me and my brothers will be alone at home for the whole next week. so we went to jj and bought some stuffs. i bought a japanese dictionary. i wanna learn jap! i wish somone could teach me jap. my friends learn jap in school and they can speak i guess. actually i wanted to take jap class but i got tuition, clash wif the jap class time table :( I asked my friends to teach me jap but they.. erm feel like not teaching me, so its okay. im afraid i make them feel so troublesome. so i try to learn it myself and if i couldnt understand, i can try to ask the jap teacher or my frens :)
There were so many ppl in jj. many cars too, and many of them waited for so long for a carpark. ahh, before goin up to search for a carpark, in my heart says we'll find a car park easily today. so we go uppppppp. then, when we reached, my heart was like counting from 5, den we'll get a carpark immediately. so jus wait. cool down. then i think.. uhm really? its stupid thing to do. but i did. hahah. and REALLY! i counted in my heart starting from 5, 4 den i stopped. why am i doin this? its stupid. oh well, feel like doin it so~ and bsides, im bored. so again. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... my dad stopped and saw a malay couple walking towards to their car and ready to go home. ahah! really. well, i jus listened to my heart says. jus like before, the eng ann dinner, my heart said i'll hav a gd time there and get one lucky draw n really! hmph. miracle.
Then we went in, most of them are wif family. shopping happily. smiling away. busy buying clothes, well, i feel so touch. err, watching them enjoying their time? lol. its a beautiful night today, isnt it? On the way home, in the car, watching outside, yellow-orange lights shined so beautiifullllllllllllllly outside. as if they were like stars. and big buidings, houses where families live, shops where ppl work. and suddenly something across my mind, i live in msia... and i see the way ppl live here. the scenery here. and i was wondering at dat time, how the way ppl live outside? like in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong . . . etc. so i thought that when i grow up, i wanna travel outside. but its expensive. where can i get that much money to travel to so many places. so i decided to work hard and planned nt to go to so many places. hehe.
I wanna work now. but.. i got no time. wed to fri, i got tuition. plus the homeworks and all. i decided to take arts due to my amibition but.. if i take.. how can i work?! the art class will be in the afternoon. my parents said they can fetch me to there already. so.. how? should i jus.. not taking arts and go find a job? or.. take art class and stop thinking about the job? haih. plus, i cant get a job also. who wants to hire me for a temporary job? to work, i guess, must work everyday? i duno. i gotta ask dat and try looking for a job after my exam. :( help me!!
Nowadays, im so addicted to Yu Yu Hakusho. i read the comics till 6 , coz the rest were lost. and those are my bro's. i watch the show, the movie. it's like all day long im thinking bout Yu Yu Hakusho. lol. bsides, i dl-ed the songs too. well, not all of them are nice to listen to. only two or three of them which are the opening and ending theme. the one i love n most addicted to now is Unbalance Kiss, the third ending theme. geeesshhhh, i so love that song! hehe. after my exam, which will be over this coming fri, im gonna buy all the dvds of YYH. movies + episodes. Its really interesting. hehe
This week, many of my frens asking me, 'do u hav a bf already?' lol. why ask? i know im old already and still dont hav a bf. hahha. i dunno lah. shud i hav a bf? its not important right? i mean, kinda. lol. some ppl who dont care about bfs gfs of coz not important to them lah. these ppl ,, dont care bout love? i mean we want a bf coz we want love n care from them. so these ppl most are studios type persons and dont want care and love from other ppl? i duno. maybe they had too much from their family. hahah. me,, i had alot from my family too but still im a human right? i need love, attention and care from some ppl too right? lol. i sound so pathetic, really. err, some ppl tot i 'see face' means, i only accept good looking guys. actually no, i didnt take the 'some ppl' as my bf coz im not interested with them. i wish they understand. anyway, right now, i like nobody and not interested wif anyone now since i last broke wif my ex bf, december 05. i did like some ppl, but not in a serious love previously.
well thats all! :)
Anyway,. im BACK! hahaha. long time no blog d coz i malas. uhm,, i know no one's gonna read it but its okay to me. i jus wanna express my feelings here like in diary. these days im sooo lazy to write in my diary d lah. getting lazy-er. hehe.
Today, 7th of Oct 06. i felt so .. something. undescribable. touch? lol. i was at home for the whole day till evening, i went to jj wif my parents. they're goin to China tomorrow, and me and my brothers will be alone at home for the whole next week. so we went to jj and bought some stuffs. i bought a japanese dictionary. i wanna learn jap! i wish somone could teach me jap. my friends learn jap in school and they can speak i guess. actually i wanted to take jap class but i got tuition, clash wif the jap class time table :( I asked my friends to teach me jap but they.. erm feel like not teaching me, so its okay. im afraid i make them feel so troublesome. so i try to learn it myself and if i couldnt understand, i can try to ask the jap teacher or my frens :)
There were so many ppl in jj. many cars too, and many of them waited for so long for a carpark. ahh, before goin up to search for a carpark, in my heart says we'll find a car park easily today. so we go uppppppp. then, when we reached, my heart was like counting from 5, den we'll get a carpark immediately. so jus wait. cool down. then i think.. uhm really? its stupid thing to do. but i did. hahah. and REALLY! i counted in my heart starting from 5, 4 den i stopped. why am i doin this? its stupid. oh well, feel like doin it so~ and bsides, im bored. so again. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... my dad stopped and saw a malay couple walking towards to their car and ready to go home. ahah! really. well, i jus listened to my heart says. jus like before, the eng ann dinner, my heart said i'll hav a gd time there and get one lucky draw n really! hmph. miracle.
Then we went in, most of them are wif family. shopping happily. smiling away. busy buying clothes, well, i feel so touch. err, watching them enjoying their time? lol. its a beautiful night today, isnt it? On the way home, in the car, watching outside, yellow-orange lights shined so beautiifullllllllllllllly outside. as if they were like stars. and big buidings, houses where families live, shops where ppl work. and suddenly something across my mind, i live in msia... and i see the way ppl live here. the scenery here. and i was wondering at dat time, how the way ppl live outside? like in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong . . . etc. so i thought that when i grow up, i wanna travel outside. but its expensive. where can i get that much money to travel to so many places. so i decided to work hard and planned nt to go to so many places. hehe.
I wanna work now. but.. i got no time. wed to fri, i got tuition. plus the homeworks and all. i decided to take arts due to my amibition but.. if i take.. how can i work?! the art class will be in the afternoon. my parents said they can fetch me to there already. so.. how? should i jus.. not taking arts and go find a job? or.. take art class and stop thinking about the job? haih. plus, i cant get a job also. who wants to hire me for a temporary job? to work, i guess, must work everyday? i duno. i gotta ask dat and try looking for a job after my exam. :( help me!!
Nowadays, im so addicted to Yu Yu Hakusho. i read the comics till 6 , coz the rest were lost. and those are my bro's. i watch the show, the movie. it's like all day long im thinking bout Yu Yu Hakusho. lol. bsides, i dl-ed the songs too. well, not all of them are nice to listen to. only two or three of them which are the opening and ending theme. the one i love n most addicted to now is Unbalance Kiss, the third ending theme. geeesshhhh, i so love that song! hehe. after my exam, which will be over this coming fri, im gonna buy all the dvds of YYH. movies + episodes. Its really interesting. hehe
This week, many of my frens asking me, 'do u hav a bf already?' lol. why ask? i know im old already and still dont hav a bf. hahha. i dunno lah. shud i hav a bf? its not important right? i mean, kinda. lol. some ppl who dont care about bfs gfs of coz not important to them lah. these ppl ,, dont care bout love? i mean we want a bf coz we want love n care from them. so these ppl most are studios type persons and dont want care and love from other ppl? i duno. maybe they had too much from their family. hahah. me,, i had alot from my family too but still im a human right? i need love, attention and care from some ppl too right? lol. i sound so pathetic, really. err, some ppl tot i 'see face' means, i only accept good looking guys. actually no, i didnt take the 'some ppl' as my bf coz im not interested with them. i wish they understand. anyway, right now, i like nobody and not interested wif anyone now since i last broke wif my ex bf, december 05. i did like some ppl, but not in a serious love previously.
well thats all! :)
At Sun Oct 08, 04:06:00 PM 2006,
Anonymous said…
hey. not gonna get a chatbox? anyway, it's good to know that i'll be seeing you every Wednesday! honest. :) okay, probably you guys don't really like me but i still feel happy! anyway, that's a really nice long post. thinkin' bout the future already, huh? hahah. hey, maybe i consider taking Art classes. count me in! see ya!
At Sun Oct 08, 11:10:00 PM 2006,
naruto said…
yo! u wanna work n attend art class at the same's some advice...u can attend art class...and u can find part time job that need u to work only on saturdays n sundays...but u must be willing to work la...cannot be choosy...there are jobs like that...there's one job where u can get RM10 per hour...but it's not suitable for u....hehe
not meaning to be busybody but...what do u need a bf for? seek attention,care n love from Him up above...if u know what i mean...
At Mon Oct 09, 06:54:00 PM 2006,
Anonymous said…
hey, sherlyn. sorry to interrupt you and PY. umm. just asking, where's that place with RM10 per hour?? :) yeah, man. God loves all of us! :D oops. i'm interrupting again. hahah.
At Mon Oct 09, 10:19:00 PM 2006,
naruto said…'s okay la...erm...the RM10 per hour job is selling beer in jj...forgotten what brand of beer d...
At Wed Oct 11, 08:01:00 PM 2006,
Anonymous said…
huh? in Jusco?? where? :P
At Wed Oct 11, 10:22:00 PM 2006,
naruto said…
erm...inside the jusco supermarket...used to be my fren's job...but she just quit....
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