Uhm. Today cross counrty. Got nth much bout it. 5km cross counrty. I got position 72. Very teruk.. =_= whaever lah.
I cabut sekolah today. With Say Yin and Shiau Ping. It sucks. 1st time in my life. Prefects came out and searched for us. Then we all decided to berpakat. Not to tell Pn. Asia. We hid in a bookshop nearby our school. Damn scary lah that time. Some lebih ppl reported to Pn Asia that some girls cabut keluar. Then Pn Asia mengamuk and asked some prefects to search those who cabut keluar. I got no transport to go home summore. So I tumpang Sy's car lah. I called auntie.. She said she was busy cooking. Okay, so dun hav to fetch me lah. But idk y she so lebih wanna fetch me and shouted at me. No need fetch means no need fetch lo. I got transport to go home dy!! Argh. She pissed me off. Nvm. Forget it. Im sure she went telling everyone who sat her car today about this. So darn lebih. Nvm. Dun care. Non my bussiness.
That time was 12pm. Luckily Sp and Sy's parents came at the same time! So lucky eh. Then we quicky walked out from bookshop and masuked kereta. Keke. That time I feel much lega d~
And then I called Praba, one of the prefect who caught us. She said Pn Asia also let the girls went home early. So CHEH LAH! I thought she mengamuk there. Thats one of a junior prefect said one lah. Ceh.
Anyway, my mood aint good these days. I can be hyper and I can still laugh. But got something lah~ Hopefully its not complicating and goes away! I dont want any probs with ppl. Its not fun ==" Uh. Thats allll~ Nights.
I cabut sekolah today. With Say Yin and Shiau Ping. It sucks. 1st time in my life. Prefects came out and searched for us. Then we all decided to berpakat. Not to tell Pn. Asia. We hid in a bookshop nearby our school. Damn scary lah that time. Some lebih ppl reported to Pn Asia that some girls cabut keluar. Then Pn Asia mengamuk and asked some prefects to search those who cabut keluar. I got no transport to go home summore. So I tumpang Sy's car lah. I called auntie.. She said she was busy cooking. Okay, so dun hav to fetch me lah. But idk y she so lebih wanna fetch me and shouted at me. No need fetch means no need fetch lo. I got transport to go home dy!! Argh. She pissed me off. Nvm. Forget it. Im sure she went telling everyone who sat her car today about this. So darn lebih. Nvm. Dun care. Non my bussiness.
That time was 12pm. Luckily Sp and Sy's parents came at the same time! So lucky eh. Then we quicky walked out from bookshop and masuked kereta. Keke. That time I feel much lega d~
And then I called Praba, one of the prefect who caught us. She said Pn Asia also let the girls went home early. So CHEH LAH! I thought she mengamuk there. Thats one of a junior prefect said one lah. Ceh.
Anyway, my mood aint good these days. I can be hyper and I can still laugh. But got something lah~ Hopefully its not complicating and goes away! I dont want any probs with ppl. Its not fun ==" Uh. Thats allll~ Nights.
At Sat Feb 17, 04:38:00 PM 2007,
ahBoy said…
hahah ...
here cum ah boy again
damn bored eh ...
jzu after de reunion lunch (my house tradision)
den ... guees wat ... bored untiull fall asleep ...
wake up ...already 4.30 jor ....
wat de ... sleep during CNY ...
dat day u cabut ??? nvr heard u mention b4 geh ??
haha....transport ???
u dint tell , u cabut sure very 1 rite ... my house so damn near eh ....
call me up ma ... i send u back wajakakakak....
lucky nvr get caught ....!!!
... ntgh jor ... ~~
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